The mini unplugged competition held yesterday..
In this competiton, Steve, Jia Wei and i form a band...
Steve n i play guitar while Jia Wei play keyboard..
three of us kept laughing after we walk down the stage..
coz we all made mistakes...
and of course... as expected..
we lost...:P
The buffet very lousy lo..
"giam siap" betul..
everyone only get a small portion of each dishes..
even mee goreng and nasi goreng...
i don think these are expensive lo...
cannot give more meh..
We paid for the buffet de le...
Seng Yee came to support me yesterday...
and vote for our team also (he is the only one who vote for our team)...
and eat that lousy buffet also...
Thank you for your support..
Lee Kian came to support me yesterday...
BUT she din vote for our team...
(Our friendship and RM 50...she chose RM 50 le...cry...actually i told her not to vote for my team one..:P)
and eat that lousy buffet also...
Thank you for your support also...